Fast Track to Your New Career in Image Consulting.
Short Welcome Message.
Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.
Experience a life changing career, contact us today for no obligation free consultation! OR Download our free Image Assessment Tool Kit
Train to Become an Image Consultant.
The accredited IIM Certificate of Image Management and the Diploma of Image Management gives you the tools to develop a new personal brand, new career and launch your own business.
The course caters to new students who desire to commence a new career in the thriving image management profession or are working in business, management, marketing, corporate branding, public relations, digital communications, human resources and entrepreneurship and wish to add new skills to their knowledge base.
The course has also been designed for current coaches in Executive, Business and Personal (Life) that would like to expand their business by integrating personal and corporate brand image into their service offering.
Led by world renowned image consultant Jon Michail, Group CEO of Image Group International and his industry trained professionals, their fun yet powerful approach will impart select and valuable insider information regarding image consulting and personal branding as an art and a business.
This course combines the best of theory, practice and process to develop inspirational image and lifestyle consultants.
The 7 Aspects of Authentic Image Management™
Changing your personal and brand image can change your life. accredited IIM Certificate of Image Management™ and the Diploma of Image Management™ courses are a process that proposes seven crucial aspects should interrelate to build the desired cohesive personal brand image to maximise your career, business and personal success.
Our image development theory proposes that, in order to establish public identity for a person, product, company, or entity, the seven aspects should interrelate to build the desired cohesive image.
The course is based on a holistic approach.

The 7 Aspects of Authentic Image Management™.
Synopses of the course, brief intro to the 7 modules, with a link for more details.
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The Institute for Image Management (IIM) attracts some of the best students in Australasia and beyond. With this privilege comes a responsibility to provide the highest quality learning and training.
You’ll be in a great environment for study, social and networking activities.
Studying at IIM you are part of a community – it’s a coaching and training forum that offers a great social and networking life. Some of the frequent feedback we receive is the graduates enjoyed their time here not only because of the quality of the course but also because of the lively, friendly community spirit.
We offer scholarships.
If you are eligible for one of our scholarships you’re guaranteed financial support.
Studying at the Institute for Image Management prepares you for a professional and entrepreneurial life.
IIM graduates emerge into the marketplace with strong academic, professional and life skills. A balanced mix of theoretical work, industry experience and personal development means you are not only academically proficient when you graduate, but professionally skilled and wordly – able to make a real contribution to your clients in general.
Our course presenters are outstanding your learning experience will be of the highest quality.
IIM provides a highly supportive learning environment, dedicated to student-centred learning. When you study at IIM you will work with highly qualified trainers, coaches and facilitators, many of whom have extensive professional profiles and industry experience in their fields of expertise.
You’ll be supported along the way.
IIM offers a range of services to give you the best possible support while you’re studying. We provide integrated courses specifically designed to enrich personal and theoretical skills development. You have access to a wide range of personal development activities alongside academic and practical skills support to help you with your study.
Finance options.
We have numerous financial options available to qualifying students.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
A blurb about the faq…….
If you don’t find what your looking for……Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, or contact us.
An Accredited Image Consultant provides services for individuals, corporations, small business, government and NGO’s through coaching, advising, consulting, presentations, seminars, and workshops.
Accredited Image Consultants offer assistance in image enhancement (appearance, body and colour analysis, wardrobe development, and management), sound and effective communications, business and social etiquette, personal branding (including offline and online) and more – all through coaching, consulting and training.
Enrol with a reputable educational institution specialising in Image Management. Just make sure they have the success on the board. The Institute of Image Management (a division of Image Group International) is a recognised leading coaching and training organisation for Accredited Image Consultants in the Asia-Pacific region; our students have enrolled from all the corners of the globe.
Before enrolling on any training course, you should interview each training course provider you are considering. During the interview, you should be sure to ask how long they’ve been in business (visit their offices if possible as this is important to discover how they have invested in their business. i.e. not operating from their home garage or a “virtual office”) and who their students are. You should ask for feedback about the training course and how successful they have been actioning their image training in the workplace.
Our past students claim it’s one of the finest investments they have ever made.
The Institute is a private organisation that conducts extensive independent research of the Image Consulting industry and has the most up to date knowledge base in the world. The Institute however does not have the resources of a Government University that is mostly funded by taxpayers’ money and therefore any comparison with the Institute’s fees and what a Government University course costs is not a similar comparison.
First, be clear about the services you offer and the related fees. Second, provide printed information in the form of an agreement and proposal. Third, market your expertise and knowledge in any avenue available to you. Promote yourself to your target market, and strive for referrals. The Certificate and Diploma Courses cover in detail all you will require to launch your services.
- The Foundation of ‘The Seven Aspects of Authentic Image Management™’ (AIM™)
- Where it all begins
- Overview of the image industry now and the future
- How to prepare for the image industry of the future
- The quality requirements to succeed in the image business
- The seven major functions of image professionals
- The 13 activities image professionals perform
- ‘A Day in the Life of…’ – A panel of image professionals
- Interactive workshops on career paths in the image industry
- Digital Branding: An understanding of how to integrate the offline and online world
- A no-nonsense approach to the reality of what it takes to be a successful image consultant
- Life skills with a real world a street smart approach
- Entrepreneurial business skills
- Worldwide resources
- International networking
Accredited IIM Certificate of Image Management™ and the Diploma of Image Management™ courses are a process that proposes seven crucial aspects should interrelate to build the desired cohesive personal brand image to maximise your career, business and personal success.
Our image development theory proposes that, in order to establish a public identity for a person, product, company, or entity, the seven aspects should interrelate to build the desired cohesive image.
The course is based on a holistic approach, consisting of seven cohesive elements.
Passionate and entrepreneurial women and men who have a burning desire within them to be one of the Top 5% Image Consultants and business owners who not only want to survive – but to flourish. We love to deal with women and men who want to change the world – and especially love working with women and men who aren’t quite sure how they’re going to change world and helping them to uncover all of the tools that are buried inside of them – with the help of our team of coaches and mentors to create success.
- Someone who is not serious about growing their business by another $50,000 – $250,000 in the next 12 months
- Someone with entitlement mentality
- Someone who doesn’t take responsibility for their own life
- Someone who doesn’t value their independence
- Someone who doesn’t like working in teams
- Someone who currently has a ‘hobby’ coaching business and isn’t interested in making it MORE than a hobby
Please note, this is not because we’re nasty or discriminating… quite simply, you’ve got to be able to make strategic decisions in your career and business for YOU…without having to get constant approval from ‘someone else’; therefore we aim to enrol participants who want to play a bigger game, now and into the future.
Note: On successful completion of each unit, participants will be awarded their Certificate. The Diploma will be awarded to participants that have successfully completed all seven aspects of the Certificate and units one to four that completes the Diploma.
The Certificate and Diploma are endorsed and issued by the Institute for Image Management.
✓ Ready to make more money while working less hours …
✓ Ready to feel alive and full of energy …
✓ Ready to truly feel the passion within your business …
✓ Ready to be one of the Top 5% …
The Certificate of Image Management™ (CIM™). is a course consisting of numerous levels of study. Credit for the Institute Certificate is based on three factors:
- Class attendance of all course days – for in-house students only
- Successful review of the Institute reading list
- Submission of all homework and final presentations
To obtain credit for the course, you must attend 95% of all classes ( In-house students only). No credit for a subject will be given if you are absent for more than six hours regardless of reason. When you don’t earn credit, you must repeat the subject in order to continue in the Institute course. Written requests for approval of absences is granted by the Institute in the case of illness, catastrophe or extenuating circumstances. Business appointments, member contracts and travel convenience are not considered ‘extenuating circumstances’.
The Certificate of Image Management™ (CIM™) is awarded after successful completion of each module as per Institute credit requirements.
Our emphasis is on small group interaction and enrolment is by invitation only and limited.
The Institute teaches procedural and practical aspects of starting a coaching consultancy; fact gathering techniques during a client interview; imaging concepts; and image plan development and implementation. Completion of the Institute strengthens leadership, management, entrepreneurial and interpersonal skills. Institute instructors are leading image professionals and industry leaders.
Just Don’t Take Our Word For It
Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.