A number of scholarships are funded by the Institute for Image Management (IIM). Some are open to all enrolled students; others are restricted to students in particular courses. Scholarships are given at the discretion of the Institute and are subject to available funding.
The Institute is committed to improving the retention of students from all sectors in our community including who are indigenous Australians, students from low socio-economic backgrounds and/or rural isolated areas, students with disabilities and students from non-English speaking backgrounds. The Institute Scholarship Support Program assists such students to complete their studies. There are 10 grants with a minimum value of $2000 each.
Scholarships are intended to increase participation of students from low socio-economic backgrounds by providing them with financial assistance to help with education and other costs. In addition some students may be eligible for the *Commonwealth Education Costs Scholarships, designed to assist students from low socio-economic status backgrounds and indigenous students with general education costs.
The *Commonwealth Accommodation Scholarships are designed to assist students from regional and remote areas who need to move away from home to commence further education.
*Students should check with the relevant government agency regarding eligibility as per their personal circumstances.