The following terms and conditions are for Image Group International (IGI), Institute for Image Management (IIM) and
Privacy Notice:
Image Group International (IGI) would like to assure all visitors that any information you submit to us via this site will be treated with the utmost privacy, security and confidentiality.
- IGI will not make any of your information available to any 3rd parties for either profit or favour.
- IGI will only use this information you submit to service your request with greater speed, accuracy and to improve this website and its services.
- All information you submit to IGI will be stored securely to preserve you privacy.
- IGI respects the privacy of its visitors and clients and will always act in accordance will all applicable State and Federal Legislation.
Legal Notices:
Warning on use of and materials
Your use of this website is at your own risk and we give no warrantees on the correct completion of the documents, links, models, blog or information. If you use materials provided on this website incorrectly, you may suffer adversely: you may not get the information you wanted or the outcome you desired and you may suffer loss. or its parent or member companies are not responsible for your loss or damages suffered as a result of your use of the information on this website. They are for your use solely at your own risk and discretion.
Prior to the use of and www.instituteforimagemanagement.comwebsites
Do not use this website unless you have read all the terms and accept that they will govern your right to use and access our website and all the documents, links, models, blog and information contained on it. By using this site, you signify your continued acceptance of these terms of use. Please check these terms regularly prior to using our website to ensure you are aware of any changes. We will try to highlight any significant or substantive changes to these terms to you where possible. If you choose to use and websites and documents, links, models, blog or information then and will regard that use as conclusive evidence of your agreement and acceptance that these terms governs yours and and rights and obligations to each other.
Amendment Terms: and reserves the right to change these terms and conditions of use at any time and those changes shall take effect in respect of all subsequent uses by you of the website. You should therefore check these terms every time you use the website and only if you accept these terms should you proceed to access and use the documents, links, models, blog and information on the website. We will try to highlight any significant or substantive changes to you where possible but it is your responsibility to read the terms each time you use our site. and Does Not Give Legal, Financial, Marketing or Other Advice
Whilst the documents, models, blog and information on the website have been prepared by experienced practitioners we are not providing legal, financial, marketing, business, career or life coaching or other advice. The information contained on this website is general in nature and does not take into account your specific needs, objectives or circumstances. You should obtain your own, legal, financial, marketing, business, career and life coaching or other advice before making any decision to use this website. You should consult a professional legal adviser, financial adviser, taxation adviser, accountant, marketing, business, career or life coach or other adviser to obtain specific advice for your particular situation. Nothing on this website should be construed to be financial, legal, marketing or other advice of any type.
Limitation of Liability:
It is an essential pre-condition to you using and websites that you agree and accept that and is not legally responsible for any loss or damage you might suffer related to your use of the website or any coaching program, workshop, advice, consulting, product or others they sell, howsoever arising. Your use of this website and any information you use is at your own risk. If you use the materials provided on this website incorrectly, you may suffer loss as a result. (IGI) and (IIM) are not responsible for any loss or damage you may incur, however it may arise by use of this website or its documents, models, links or information.
Competition and Consumer Act:
For the purposes of Schedule 2 of the Australian Consumer Law, in particular sections 51 to 53, 64 and 64A of Part 3-2 Division 1 Subdivision A of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth), and’s liability for any breach of a term of this agreement is limited to:
- The supply to you of the services or goods again; or
- The payment of the costs of having the services or goods supplied to you again. and’s liability is, in all cases, limited and will not exceed, in any instance, the amount paid by you for any coaching program, workshop, advice, consultancy, product or other item purchased from this website. You must be over the age of 18 years to use this website and to purchase any goods or services.
Links to Other Website and Information and may from time to time provide on its website links to other websites and information on those websites for your convenience. This does not necessarily imply sponsorship, endorsement or approval or arrangement between and the owners of those websites. and websites may contain information provided by third parties for which and accept no responsibility whatsoever for information or advice provided to you directly by third parties. We are not providing any advice nor do we take any responsibility for any advice or goods or services purchases or received by you from those third parties in this regard, for which the third party shall be wholly responsible for.
Important Disclaimers and absolutely disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness of any particular purpose. and give not implied warranty that the documents, links, models, blog or information you purchase will be free of errors, or that defects will be corrected, or that the website or its server is free of viruses or any other harmful components. Whilst we, at all times endeavour to have the most accurate, reliable and up-to-date information on our website, and does not warrant or may any representations regarding the use or the result of the use of any and documents, models or information from its website or as to their correctness, suitability, accuracy, reliability or otherwise. It is your sole responsibility and not the responsibility of and to bear any or all entire costs of servicing, repairs or correction. The applicable law in your jurisdiction may not permit these exclusions, particularly the exclusions of some implied warranties. Some of the above may not apply to you but you must ensure you are aware of any risk you may be taking by using this site and its services, products etc. It is your responsibility to do so.
When We May Be Required To Disclose Your Information and may be required, in certain circumstances, to disclose information in good faith and where and are required to do so in the following circumstances:
- By law or by any court
- To enforce the terms of any of our customer agreements
- To protect the rights, property or safety of (IGI) and (IIM), its employees, its customers or third parties
Choice of Law
These services and products, the provision of the material to you and our rights and obligations are:
- Governed by the laws of Victoria, Australia
- Not governed by the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
Exclusion of Competitors
IGI invests substantially in time and resources researching for the most up to date knowledge for the exclusive benefit of our valued clients.
If you are in the business of offering personal and corporate brand image services, one-on-one coaching, consulting, advising, training, workshops and seminars via person to person or online for the purpose of providing them for a fee to users whether they be business users or domestic users then you are a competitor of and and expressly excludes and does not permit you to use or access the website, to download any documents, models, blog and information from this website or obtain such documents, models, blog and information through a third party. If you breach this term then and www.instituteforimagemanagement.comwill hold you fully responsible for any loss that it might sustain and further holds you accountable for all profits that you might make from such non-permitted and improper use. and reserve the right to exclude and not permit any person from using its website or any of documents, models, blog and information contained on it.
Copyright, Trademark, Content Fraud and Restriction of Use
We remind all users to exercise care not to infringe copyright or other intellectual property right. Copyright in the material available at this site is owned by Image Group International (IGI) and the Institute for Image Management (IIM). The content on this site is protected against plagiarism, content fraud and theft by Copy Scape the world’s most powerful online tool for finding plagiarised copies of content across the entire web.
You are not permitted to reproduce the documents, models, blog and information on the and websites for the use of sale or the use by any third party. In particular you are not permitted to republish, transmit electronically or otherwise or distribute any of the documents, models, blog and information that you download from this website without or express written permission. You are not permitted to download a copy of the documents, models, blog and information and retain them on computers used in your business or at home for any illegitimate or ill proper purpose of conducting your business or personal affairs. Additionally, you are not permitted to use any trademarks, trade names, graphics, images or designs from our website. and expressly reserves all copyright and trademark in this website and all documents, models, blog and information on this website and reserves the right to take action against you if you breach any of these terms.
All services and products on and are non-transferable and are not for commercial use. You may buy them for your own individual use and use them as many times as you like but you may not use them on behalf of other people or combine them for use with any other product or service you may be offering. To clarify, this means, if you are a developer of any kind, you cannot re-use any of the documents, models, blog or information for your customers in your business.
Whole Agreement
These terms and conditions represent the whole agreement between you and and concerning your use and access to and’s websites and your use and access to the documents, links, models, blog and information on it. No other term is to be included in this agreement except where it is required to be included by any legislation of the Commonwealth of Australia or any State or Territory of Australia. All implied terms except those implied by statute and which cannot be expressly excluded are hereby expressly excluded.
If you have interest in licensing our services and products for commercial use, please contact our Asia / Pacific Head Office at [email protected].
Exclusion of Unenforceable Terms
Where any clause or term above would by any applicable statute be illegal, void, or unenforceable in any jurisdiction then such a clause shall not apply in that jurisdiction and shall be deemed never to have been included in these terms and conditions in that jurisdiction. However, if any clause above is legal and enforceable in any other jurisdiction, it shall continue to be fully enforceable and part of this agreement in those other jurisdictions. Any deemed exclusion of any term pursuant to this paragraph shall not affect or modify the full enforceability and construction of the other clauses of these terms and conditions.