What will I learn?
Posted October 17, 2014
What will I learn? 2014-10-17 2015-05-19 https://instituteforimagemanagement.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/IIM_transparent_4.png Institute For Image Management https://instituteforimagemanagement.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/IIM_transparent_4.png 200px 200px
The Foundation of ‘The Seven Aspects of Authentic Image Management™’ (AIM™)
Where it all begins
Overview of the image industry now and the future
How to prepare for the image industry of the future
The quality requirements to succeed in the image business
The seven major functions of image professionals
The 13 activities image professionals perform
‘A Day in the Life of…’ – A panel of image professionals
Interactive workshops on career paths in the image industry
Digital Branding: An understanding of how to integrate the offline and online world
A no-nonsense approach to the reality of what it takes to be a successful image consultant
Life skills with a real world a street smart approach
Entrepreneurial business skills
Worldwide resources
International networking